Look at me. Right now, I'm your worst enemy. See my tits? My ass? My stockings and skimpy outfit? I plan to fully deploy these tools of masturbatory destruction, because I'm here to make you lose this ruined orgasm challenge. Here's the deal: for the next 20 minutes, you're going to stroke NONSTOP. From the moment the clock begins ticking, until the moment I call time, you're not allowed to take your hand away from your cock. You'll have to stroke as fast or slow or agonizingly close to the edge as I instruct. You're not allowed to look away from my body, even if you're dangerously close to losing control. Your challenge is simple: DON'T CUM. Or else you'll have to ruin your orgasm. And if you do suffer the ruined orgasm penalty? You're not off the hook yet. You'll take your hands away for just long enough to feel that ruined orgasm ache, and then hands back on your cock. I said nonstop stroking, and I mean it. Even if you lose control again. And again. You'll have to ruin each and every one until time's up.
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