THIS IS THE MASSAGE PARLOR THAT TIES YOU DOWN... AND TEASES YOUR COCK BEFORE THE HAPPY ENDING!! YOUNG TRAINEE SABRINA WATCHES BENTLEY PERFORM THE WICKED COCK TEASING AND SPERM RELEASE!!! The Jerky Girls have a new Massage Parlor!! This Massage Parlor is a ....COCK TEASING MASSAGE PARLOR!!! At this parlor...the customers are tied down, and have to suffer Cock Teasing, before they are allowed to experience a hand release. Bentley is an experienced Jerky Girl, on duty, and She is training a brand new YOUNG Girl, Sabrina. Sabrina watches and takes notes, as Bentley shows Her the ropes. At one point during the Cock Teasing...Bentley has to leave to check on the towels in the laundry machine...leaving young Sabrina alone with the restrained customer. The guy BEGS young Sabrina to PLEASE finish him off....to PLEASE just touch his cock...to stroke his cock 2 times...he even offers to buy the young Girl a car!! Sabrina declines...saying She isn't licensed to Jerk!! Bentley returns, and Sabrina watches in awe as Bentley violently empties the Teased cock!!
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