With Luna Lain! I enter the house for sale and see a sign to remove shoes but disregard it and wear my red ankle boots inside. All of a sudden my shoe is grabbed off of my feet and I'm left in one shoe and my green ankle sock. Ambling in one boot, I look at the rest of the house and feel a little off balance. In the hallway, my boot is stuck in the heating grate. Struggling to get free, I realize a stuck boot can always be unzipped but I still can't get it unstuck from the house. Left in mismatched socks, I have no shoes and give myself a foot massage because I had toe squeezing from the stuck shoe. Magically, the shoe disappears and I leave this haunted house in my sock feet! OTHER KEYWORDS- one shoe, stuck fetish, struggling, shoe fetish, socks, sock fetish, humor, humour, erotic magic control, ghosts fetish, Luna Laine, Luna Lane, fantasies, fantasy, fetish, role playing, roleplaying, kink, red hair, redheads, practical jokes, pranks, supernatural #OneShoe #Stuck #Struggling #Boots #Socks @LunaLainXX This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email me at LunaLainModeling@Gmail.com
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