Hello there, I see you’ve finally come round. You must be so confused as to where you are or what’s happening. Let me explain. I abducted you and bought you here to my laboratory where I’ve strapped you to this fucking machine. You see, you have a sperm quota to meet to aid my experiments, so I’ll be extracting your cum from you and there isn’t a thing you can do about it. We’re going to begin right now. Let me just press this button. Oh, what’s wrong? Were you not expecting that? Did you think you the machine was just going to suck on your cock as if you were getting a blow job? Did I forget to mention you’d be getting simultaneously fucked in the ass and mouth too? I want to get the maximum amount of cum out of you. Besides, why else do you think I’ve placed a mouth spreader on you for? The machine is going to fuck you until you cum and if you don’t, it will just fuck you harder and faster until you do. This will be done over and over again, day after day. You’ll be kept here in my laboratory’s test subject quarters, kept on a diet consisting solely of my bodily wastes. You won’t be given normal food like a normal human. After all, why would you need regular food when you’re merely a means of cum production for my sadistic experiments? Aww, are you crying? Good! (name Edward is used)
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