When you woke this morning you found to your amazement that you had somehow been shrunken down to only an inch in height! You've been waiting for your girlfriend Aura to come home. She will help me fix this you assure yourself. When Aura gets home you can see that she's brought lunch with her. She is confused as to where you are as she assumed you'd be home. She sits down at the counter with lunch and texts you to see where you are. Unfortunately, your cell phone is ten times bigger than you and useless to someone as tiny as you are. You make your way to her foot at the floor. As you gaze up towards her you can't believe how huge she is compared to you! You'll have to climb up her leg. It is the only way you'll get her attention. The dangerous climb is not without its close calls but you finally make it up to her waist. The next step is climbing her hair to get up near her face. But on your way up you lose your grip! You figure this is the end as you travel downwards through the air. Fortunately for you something had broken your fall. As you come to again you notice you must have bounced off of one of the cheese burgers that Aura brought home for lunch! What a life saver! She is halfway through one of them when you decide to get up on top of the other one to call out to her! She would have to see you down here.. right!?... This video has 3rd person, POV and slo-mo views. It also has music and sound effects.
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