In "Dynamic Damsel Returns," the titular crimebuster (Haley Spades) is lured into a trap by the supervillain The Black Hoodie. They face off and she puts up a valiant fight against the dark evildoer, yet he pulls out a strange device that temporarily robs the diminutive super-lady of her incredible strength. With the help of an unusual gas, the Black Hoodie scares Dynamic Damsel and she falls to the floor in a faint. When we next see the crimson-clad champion of justice, she's being securely bound with unbreakable ropes (shown on-screen) and she's gagged with med-wrap. The Black Hoodie informs her this event is being streamed, and she's completely helpless to stop him as he unmasks her! Defeated and left alone, Dynamic Damsel does her best to free herself, but she discovers her superhuman strength is no match for the fiendish bindings. Before long the dark supervillain returns to pull down Haley's top to expose her perky, all-natural breasts. The booted babe struggles on but despairs, wondering what evil plans The Black Hoodie has for her.
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