Liz Rainbow - Spanish Cock Gobbler Well you all know I like pussy, in fact I fucking love it, from any where in the world. So when I see on a model casting site that a hot 19 year old Spanish girl is planning on getting into porn and things the UK is the place to do it, well its time to spring into fucking nerd action. I usually tell people that the USA is the place where I have all the big contacts, but hey I can adjust my bullshit to be any country I can give a hot bitch her big break. So now she is all keen it was just a case of emailing her backward and forwards, filling her head with bullshit and see how it goes. When girls are keen anything that you say that sounds like what they want, they usually go for it. So fast forward 6 weeks later and she was knocking on my door. All Scarlet had to do was do what she usually does, listen to me, follow my lead and film whatever may transpire. Now I decided to try little reverse phycology, after hearing from her that a few agents she has contacted were too busy to see her. She just came over here then asked people for work, I pretended I was to busy too. I figured if I said I was free just like that when the real pros she had spoke too weren’t it might seem a bit suspicious. See, I’m always adapting my bullshit. The look on her face she was so disappointed, this girl really wanted to do porn. How could I let that face down???? Plus she was fucking smoking hot, so I made it out as if I could just say squeeze her in. She agreed to give me a free preview so I wasn’t cancelling on other people in my so called busy schedule, incase you know, she was all talk or something. Wow what a fucking cock sucker, how a 19 year old can be that good I will never know. She deep throated and I mean she made you face fuck her big style, that she was nearly gagging on my nerd cock. There was spit, there was eye watering and there was plenty of spunk. Watch this now before you do another thing, its a must, the Nerd Pervert has spoken.
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