Featuring Misty Lovelace: Wonder Woman (played by the talented Misty Lovelace) has caught a villain who was up to no good, embezzling funds and involved in all kinds of illegal and unethical activities. What better way to restrain him than the trusty smotherbench! As the clip begins, he wakes up confused and unsure of how he ended up in such a predicament. Wonder Woman stands tall over him, heel on his chest as he threatens that his henchmen will be coming for Her and that She won't get away with this! Little does he realize that Wonder Woman has the Lasso of Truth (a smaller version of it anyway) that She wraps around his nose and then asks him if he really has henchmen. He admits he doesn't and is completely at Her mercy. When She makes him cough up even more details about his dirty deeds, this confirms that She's not about to let him go anywhere. Such a danger to society can not be allowed back out on the streets. Wonder Woman subjects him to relentless facesitting and wears him all the way down until he panics and goes out. He was no match for this powerful superheroine.
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