Oh honey, welcome home! gosh, what time is it? Apparently I've been playing playstation all day.. oops! How was work? Oh, a hard and tiring day? I'm sorry, but.. while you're up, why don't you wash the dishes? They're still piled up in the sink. Unfortunately I didn't have time to do anything today, I've been very busy playing on the couch eating junk food.. why don't you take care of the house and order something tasty now that you're back? Oh shoot, I forgot the wet laundry in the washer! Could you please think about that too? Thanks honey! I talk to you without taking my eyes off the screen, a little annoyed by your presence distracting me from the video game. You work all day and I spend the day on the couch, without even showering or changing my clothes, playing video games all day.. and then when you come home you have to take care of me and the housework too! What a lazy girlfriend you've got.
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