Giantess cru*hes tiny humans *custom request with the following message note " You come home to a tiny man in your house at this angle (in the picture) you don’t have to really be angry but be very cruel and sarcastic looking down at the tiny man with your flip-flops on talking about how His life is equal to a bug on the bottom of your foot. Before you crush him you hear him begging and apologizing for breaking into your house. So you bend over to hear him and say “awww, u miserable man, I see u cowering from here, your so scared..Unfortunately I’m not convinced & I want you mangled under my foot..yes you should scream now haha” *stomps and twists into the floor & you look under your foot and see him underneath and say “r b@by, he had no chance I just crushed his little ass haha oh well” so you sit down in a chair with your legs crossed and your flip-flops dangling off of your foot with the crushed man under and you see another man on the floor in front of you so you down talk him telling him about his friend you just crushed underneath your foot and then u crush him also."
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