I’m relaxing indoors with a very full bladder ;) I’m wearing a striped t-shirt, a knee length pair of multi-coloured socks, and I’m snugly fastened into a very soggy Megamax. I stand on the rug and give my hips a shake, causing my bulky crotch to jiggle and bounce. The Megamax is rustling like crazy, and feels so heavy due to all the liquid it has taken on board :D I readjust the straps to make things even tighter, and then I have a cheeky idea…I select a beautiful blue Molicare from a stack which I have to hand, and then I put it on over the top of the soggy Megamax! It feels wonderfully cheeky to be wearing two layers at once, and the double plastic means that I’m now even bulkier! And my bladder just can’t wait any longer, which is perfect timing :D I get into the reverse crab position and allow a lovely jet to spill into my plastic, and the pleasure of my bladder suddenly being satisfied is incredible. When I’m finished, I take off my Molicare to inspect it, and to my delight I see that it’s nice and wet! The Megamax must have leaked! As for the Megamax itself…now it’s even soggier ;)
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