Custom Clip: Gothic Princess with Black Turtleneck Shirt and Sword. Just posing and smoking. No talking, if possible. Kira will use violet and blue makeup, this time with violet nails. Then she will show all her face and put a white cigarette in he mouth, lifting it after some seconds. She will smoke with her face near the camera. After one minute or two, all of a sudden, Kira lifts a sword and show it proudly to the camera lenses. It seems to be heavy. It is a real sword. She examines its blade, scrolling the cigarette along the metallic weapon. Then Kira, with both hands, will move the blade’s tip upwards and looks at it, while the cigarette is in her mouth. Then Kira will act ass she wants, close to the camera lenses. Just smoking and posing. Clip Contains: smoking, smoker, cigarette, femdom, redhead, custom.
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