I’m super excited, because I have finally managed to get my hands on something I’ve been after for quite some time! I’m wearing a pink jumper, a knee length pair of pink and white striped socks, and my crotch is bare…for now ;) As you can see, I have something very special next to me on the comfortable chair I’m sitting on…a packet of GoodNites! They are extremely difficult to get hold of, and I have ordered them specially from America, as they are not available in the UK. I chat about them for a little while, and then show you two which I took out of the packet earlier. They come in two different designs, and both are absolutely gorgeous :D I take a fresh one from the packet and pull it on, and when it’s in position I am delighted with just how comfortable and tight fitting it is. It hugs my bum beautifully, and looks incredibly cute too. But of course, there is a very important test I have to carry out…what it’s like when wet. And it just so happens that my bladder is full ;) I stand up with my hands on my thighs for support, and allow a warm stream to spill into my new GoodNites, which causes the crotch area to expand noticeably :D It is getting heavier with every passing second, and I am thrilled that I’m wetting it like this when it’s only been on for a matter of moments. My bladder feels so much better now after that. Tune into the video to hear exactly what I have to say :)
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