When you owe your friends money trouble isn’t far behind. That is especially true if that friend is Morgana. She always collects on her debts and will not hesitate to send late payers through her digestive system. This video tells the tale of one such unfortunate friend. Danielle Mae plays a cute but desperate girl who just needs some money to get through the month. If she doesn’t pay Morgana back she will have to pay with far more than she is willing to give. Will Danielle make it to see another day? Or will Morgana’s tummy have it’s way? Download now and find out!! Clip Contains: Same Size Vore,: Digestion, Implied Disposal, Internal Shots, Special Effects, F/F, Belly Play, Casual Pred, Prey, Struggling Prey and Stomach visuals. Featuring MorganaLaveau.manyvids.com
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