There’s a group of tiny borrowers living at Blondie’s place for quite a while now. They usually go on expeditions to search for food and other supplies. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes, they’re found by Blondie and dealt with. The point here is how they’re dealt with when Blondie comes into the scene. She’s a tenacious person. She is aware of her own power over these little people given the huge size difference and She will make them acknowledge their purpose, even if they end up struggling for their lives. In their minds they’ll know Blondie is right about them. They will deserve what they will get. In this story, a man is found by Blondie when he was trying to find shelter after picking up some crumbs around the house. He will have to keep his will to survive intact if he wants to survive. Two big mountain rocks and a dark, wet cavern will test his strength.
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