Larz greets you onto her backyard cooking show where she tries to demonstrate how to make waffles, but her clumsiness leads to her slipping and getting her face stuck in her sticky, slimey, waffle mixture. While wearing sexy red and black lingerie (does not get removed) and grungy dark makeup she struggles to free her face from the tacky substance. With enough effort and bubble blowing she finally frees herself and admits she doesn't even like waffles and goes onto to do what she knows best, pouring the entire viscous mixture over her head. Astounded by the unique texture she cant help but play in it just a little more by squishing and stomping around what was left on the ground, and shoving as much slimey goodness she can down her panties to watch it seep down her inner thighs. Non Nude. HD photo set coming soon ;)
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