"Concept: Giantess Syra is a goddess with micro people all over her home, taking care of all her wants and desires. We see her in bed with a tiny person on her lips, the tiny falls in her mouth and gets swallowed. Syra licks her lips not knowing the tiny she just ate. Syra wakes up and slowly gets off the bed to put on her flip flops. Forgetting she left a few tiny people cleaning the soles of her sandals. Completely unaware of their presence, she stepping on the tiny people and the tiny house that was on top of the sandals that had been placed there by the tinies for the difficult job. Syra heads to the kitchen and accidentally steps on an oreo that had tinies nibbling the cookie. She most likely dropped the oreo last night. Syra dusts the cookie off of her sandal. She tries to take a good look at the mess as she is about to get her dust pan. She remembers that she has a civilization of tinies in her home. With her booming voice and her hands on her hips, she tells the tinies to clean up the mess for her. As she is slapping her sandals with her feet, the tinies swarm the cookie to clean up the mess. Syra walks over to the kitchen counter when she notices tinies trying to take her food. She tells them the only food they are allowed to have are crumbs left on the floor; the counter doesn’t count. Syra grabs the grape and eats it while taunting the tinies, slowly chewing on it with her mouth wide open. Chewing so close to them, that some even get wet with the grape juice mixed in with her spit. Syra makes a loud gulp noise, touching her throat with her fingers so that the tinies know the grape went down with no trouble. Syra opens her mouth wide telling the tinies she’s still hungry. Syra informs the tinies that as punishment for eating her food, they must get on her tongue in order to get swallowed, when she lowers it on the table. Some follow the order and she shows mercy on the tinies by just swallowing them whole. Syra notices one didn’t follow her order, so she talks to the tiny about how he just made it worse. With her fingers she picks up the tiny trying not to put too much pressure since they are so fragile. She stands up with her hand slowly raising to her face with the tiny being pinched, just showcasing how small and pathetic the tiny is. The tiny gets a good view of Syra’s lips as she puts him much in closer and closer. She lets the tiny know that his end will be far more painful now. Instead of swallowing, it's going to be slowing chewed inside her mouth. As the tiny begs, Syra gives him a lick. Kinda salty, she raises her hand and drops the tiny on her tongue. She closes her mouth, crunches him slowly and swallows. Syra leaves the kitchen accidentally stepping on some tinies that were cleaning the mess. Syra heads to the living room to get her reading book on the coffee table. As Syra picks up her book she sees some tinies stuck inside a clump of body lotion. She lowers herself to get a view of the tinies trapped in the lotion. Syra starts counting the tinies trapped. Syra gets a good idea, with the tinies not knowing what she plans to do. Syra takes a seat on her couch with the tinies only seeing a blur of what she is trying to do. The tinies get startled when her ankles slam onto the table with her sandals on. She crosses her legs and starts slapping her sandals. Syra slowly takes off her sandals. The tinies knew this wasn't going to end well. Syra gently places her foot on the lotion with the tiny people getting stuck in the lotion and Syra’s soles. She grinds on the lotion slowly from left to right. Her toes wiggling to get the lotion in between her toes. She raises her foot, lotion and tinies all on her soles. Syra has a good laugh and starts rubbing her feet with the lotion and the tinies. Most of the tinies do not survive. Syra finishes getting the lotion off her feet, taking her feet off the table and putting on her flip flops, not knowing some tinies were still alive stuck on her soles and some trapped in between her toes. They most likely will not make it under the weight when she stands up. Syra notices the time, she was having too much fun with the tinies that she lost track of time and can’t read her book. Might as well check if the tinies cleaned up the cookie mess. Syra heads to the kitchen with the floor now mostly clean with 1 tiny person picking up the last crumbs left. Syra lowers herself to get a good view of the tiny as she lays on her stomach, crosses her arms and congratulates the tiny on his good job of cleaning up the mess. She tells the tiny that she wants to give him a reward, the reward of cleaning up her mouth. Syra puts the tiny in her mouth and starts playing with him, moving the tiny all over her mouth. Putting him on her lips, just covering him in her saliva. Syra lets him know she is going to work and takes him with her..."
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