Your father just can not satisfy me. Not with that thing he calls a penis. I want you to show him how a real man fucks me. What a real dick looks like. I know you want to fuck me. I tease in my lingerie. I want your cock nice and hard when you slide it into me. I pull my lingerie off. Get over here. Oh my god. You feel sooo good. This is how I should be fucked, satisfied. I let you fuck me in several positions while laughing at your father. I need you to cum inside me. Fill me with your huge load while your dad watches us. I cum all over your cock as you cum inside me. Tags: ellierowyn, ellie rowyn, taboo, step mom, mommy, ass, ass fetish, cuckolding, cuckold, stripping, strip tease, lingerie, redhead, tattoos, tattooed, hairy, hairy pussy, pov, pov sex
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