With Dakota Charms! I make a confession about wanting to give you a face licking. It's not cheating and I'm not a homewrecker even if you get a hard cock. It's fun to have my wet tongue clean your salty face. We've been friends forever and it's sweet to be grooming you with my long tongue like a cat. Slobbering wet faces are cute. My flat tongue becomes a curved tongue so I can get every spot. If you think I'm home wrecking, it's too late because I finished licking face! OTHER KEYWORDS - tongue fetish, licking, mouth fetish, confessions, POV, brat girls, homewreckers, home wrecking, cheaters, cheating, non-nude, roleplaying, role playing games, fantasy, fantasies, amateur, kink #FaceLicking #TongueFetish #BratGirls #POV #Homewrecking @DakotaCharms THIS WAS A CUSTOM and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX@gmail.com
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