With Dakota Charms! I was thinking of some humiliation tasks you could do while bound but then realize you escaped from your bondage. Did you find the magic spell book? Why am I a frozen statue? I can still humiliate you and I'm smarter than you and can cast spells while frozen in place. Even if I can't get the words right, I'm not scared of you. What a weirdo! Why did you magically transform my velour shorts and bedroom slippers into a skin tight dress with black high heels? This is not humiliating and you're pathetic. A school girl uniform with bare feet and ponytails is your pervy fantasy? Just give me the book and stop pretending I'm your real doll. Talking like a valley girl and losing my concentration because I'm a dumb girl was smart on your part. Saying like, I'm prettier than you and that's more important than being a nerdy girl who likes math. Pretty girls rule. You change the spell and you're not giving into my berating. Sitting frozen in place in a new outfit is weird. Grow a pair of balls, you idiot. Bimbofied scolding and humiliating talk doesn't sway you, so forget about me teaching you how to be hot. Moans come out of my mouth while I'm masturbating and I can't believe you're making me masturbate in front of you. Putting me in a french maid uniform makes me angry while I'm pussy rubbing and cumming. This is so embarrassing! OTHER KEYWORDS - brat girls, taboo, sisters, family room, erotic magic control, freeze fetish, real doll fetish, woman following orders, female training, mesmerize, mental domination, mind fuck, silly sluts, bimbofication transformation fantasies, transformation fetish, transformation fantasy, imposed masturbation, solo female masturbation, solo masturbation, made to cum, imposed orgasms, moaning fetish, confrontation, verbal humiliation, embarrassment, scolding, costume fetish, cosplaying, schoolgirl uniforms, maid outfits, fetish clothing, fetish clothes, arrogant woman, arrogant women, non-nude, roleplaying, role playing games, fantasy, fantasies, amateur, kink, male domination, domination slut training, submissive/slave training #SlutTraining #SchoolUniform #Maidfetish #Fantasies #DollFetish @DakotaCharms THIS WAS A CUSTOM and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX@gmail.com
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