*CUSTOM NO NAME* The inferior white race has finally submitted & accepted that they must accept slavery as the only realistic reparation that will work. As my new owner, You're keeping me in chastity in order to make sure I behave myself. As part of the NBWO, You're announcing a new program to help ensure Your unmelenated slaves are nice & docile. We will all remain locked in chastity, but You will be selecting the most submissive slaves and breeding them. I shouldn't get excited though. You'll extract sperm surgically and inseminate Your female slaves in a way that ensures neither of us get any pleasure from the experience. This whole project will ensure that within a few generations, a clear divide will have been made. The beta race will effectively become a new species of extremely submissive slaves who are bred to perfectly serve their masters. You will be gods to us now and we will happily serve. You're building a new world, and it will surely be a better world. At least for You!
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