You’ve never been very good at science, so when you go back to school and are required to take a science course, you’re understandably nervous. Especially since the course you end up enrolling in is all on Zoom, and the professor has a reputation for being casually cruel. That’s how you felt in January, anyway. Fast forward twelve weeks. Now the spring semester is over, and you survived. More than that, you excelled! And you ended up loving Professor Harlyn. She was so nice and understanding when you struggled, and she seemed to really like you. She liked you so much that she invited you to sit in on her Zoom-only biology course this summer. You take her up on it. After all, it’s another chance to see your new favorite professor who you maybe, sorta might have a thing for. And it’s not like you have to do anything but log in and watch, right? Wrong. Professor Harlyn has something else in mind. You’re not just sitting in and learning passively. You’re the professor’s special guest for this class, and you’re going to be participating in a way you never expected—as a subject!
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