Orian showed off her sploshing prowess in the Arizona desert and nearly brought tear to my eye with her beauty and cuteness. We had a quick discussion about how she'd gotten into cake porn and then got straight down to business after a quick strip down. Her physical form was almost unbearably attractive and that was enough to almost distract from the awesomeness of the cake! She sat in it with intensity, which I replayed in slow motion. We continue the mess making like usual with corn syrup and sprinkles, frosting and all the other goodies! We did some more wonderful stuff with slow motion and she made messes with marshmallow fluff. After she got completely covered in mess, she got dressed again to satisfy a lot of you who like the idea of a girl making a mess with clothes still on. She even gave herself a massive wedgie full of gunk and squealed about how neat it felt. She then poured her panties full of corn syrup and splorched around in them too. Next up was cupcake throwing which we caught in normal and slow motion speeds before going to give her some pie to the face action, and finally the messyhot frosting facial!
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