You guys......so this was a pleasant surprise......Andy is into bondage. I don't know whose eyes lit up more. Mine when he said he was into bondage or his when I asked him. So here he is. The gorgeous Andy tied by his ankles and wrists to the chair. His beautiful mouth ballgagged....is ballgagged one word or two?.....google is telling me it's two words. Stay in school everyone. His beautiful mouth ball gagged. He's trying to get his wrists free while we watch him. He is very hot to watch. But dude! The look in his eyes! He is looking at you with this sexy expression. That is a look you cannot fake. He is enjoying himself and he is all yours. "Mikey! He likes it!" Wow! Andy loves bondage. Well I'll be! Life and it's pleasant surprises. Yesss! YESSS! :)
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