The musician to your masochism, I have orchestrated an intense mi nd con trol masterpiece for you to get lost in. Truly unforgettable, unless I want you too. Here is a chance to fall deeper into finslave bliss. Just relax, sit back and let Me turn your brain off quicker than the flick of a light switch. It is easy to rewire your s u b c o n s c i o u s when you are HARD, leaky and totally mindless. I know you are aching for a nice deep s l e e p. This clip is Erickson’s wet dream. Feel free to loop on repeat. I recommend watching this clip after you are already familiar with all of My h p n o s i s trigger and induction clips. Intensify this experience by wearing earbuds/ headphones and dimming the lights. Stay seated and make sure prior to turning this clip on there will be no interruptions from the outside world (ie. turn your phone off). Being in a comfortable, familiar environment may make it easier to fall into t r a n c e.
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