The Cosmos, The Arrivals, Book 1, Chapter 10, Kimju & Molly: Strippers Promote to Topless Pledge, Day 1, Section 1, Kimju & Molly Beg Switch: To Pledge Topless A Switch had interviewed Kimju and Molly while both were still Strippers at the Nugget last Term, after they’d applying to pledge the Cosmos House. The Switch—a Gamer who relishes both the Slavesex and the uppermost Game Mistress Castes but whose current Caste was unidentified—had announced to both of them, “I’ve done the Gay Pride Parade wearing just a collar and a g-string.” ¶ Kimju, a.k.a. Kim, had twitched her neck at that one; she realized she had actually seen this on television, in the newspapers, and in the vast Prefecture. The Switch had continued, “You’d do that to get to the Cosmos House?” ¶ Molly had squinted her eyes in thought. Both Nuggets had already done all the nudie things: danced topless, danced fully nude and pulled pink in a juice bar, shot naked photo sets, and stuffed big toys for the Cams. And of course every Stripper makes the Pee-Cam. Nonetheless, parading Fifth Avenue topless in a g-string would present a much bigger social space, a much bigger audience, one that would be more alive, and so a much higher risk. Would they do this? ¶ Kimju and Molly had traded looks and answered together, “Yes.” And took the only upward path offered. ¶ And so the Switch let them Pledge topless. Kimju wears an orange stretch-fabric tanga, a.k.a. a thong, a T-back; Molly sort of fits into faded red, washed-many-times cotton panties. Gamers shall observe them more shortly, but unless you have sufficient Gamer privileges to view Automatron’s Archives, you must wait for them to arrive at the Cosmos House and plead their next stations in real time. ¶ Kimju and Molly both know their alternative, of course: Whores, the fate of Strippers who retrograde one Caste. Now, it is true that before they ever joined the Game, however many Terms ago, Kimju and Molly notched many guys. Both enjoy picking partners and circumstance, although at the Nugget neither got to have sex in any way whatsoever. But neither is keen on Whoring, or, as Kimju puts it to Molly once, “It’s one thing having the House make you dance naked and cum on the pole. It’s quite another thing having the House decide what dicks get put into you.” ¶ Molly agreed, “Right. Stripping is the easiest thing to do, but when and where and how you get banged? No thank you.”
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