We start with Audra showing off her new Halloween cake and she is super excited she can pretend the strawberry syrup is human! She drops the panties and flasses then begins dripping the sweetened condensed milk in her mouth. Still covered in the condensed milk, Audra rubs it all over paying special attention to her extra perky boobs, then goes back for another handful. In a trip back to gradeschool humor, she makes some great fart noises by squishing it between her hands. Orange frosting is the next order of business, and rubbing it between her hands to ensure even coverage, her boobs are the first to see the new color. She next goes for the spray can of green frosting to complete her smiley face. Next up comes the cake which she turns around after lining it up, squishes between her cheeks and wiggles around on it. Not wanting it to go to waste she eats a few handfuls before going back to her can of frosting and increasing the thickness of her orange coating. Now nearly completely covered in orange frosting, she moves on to some cupcake destruction, smearing their frosting all over and nearly devouring it whole. Using a couple herself, she lets me toss some cupcakes. Up next it's sprinkle time. She adds sprinkles to her boobs, then over her face, and more down her body. We open the next part devouring a cupcake. Out comes the strawberry syrup which she pours all over her face and into her wide open mouth before being used across the rest of her body including all over her butt. Red sprinkles find their way all over, and then the takes the lid off the shaker and absolutely fills her mouth with them. Just for the foot lovers, she then uses her feet to rub sprinkles on each other. Still playing with sprinkles Audra showcases her trademark cuteness pouring them on her face and in her mouth. Whipped cream is the next treat to make the scene and she uses it to cover her chest and tummy before rubbing it in really good turning the frosting a much lighter orange. Standing back up we get more sprinkles and whipped cream all over including a nice countain between her butt cheeks shown from a delightful low view. She bends over and looks at us from between her legs and lets me pelt her with some cupcakes one of which makes her squeel "ahhh you hit me in the coochie!" I continue nailing her with several more to wrap up the clip. The final part opens with more feet messing. She steps all over the left over mess, wiggling her toes in it. Wanting not to waste the left over frosting in a can, she completely empties the can of green onto herself. To celebrate our success in a complete mess making, we wrap up with me giving her the ever famous frosting facial. I totally cover her up with sweetened condensed milk and then we sign off by wishing eachother a happy halloween.
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