Ivy and I are hanging out and really hungry. I tell Ivy that I have been shrinking men who piss me off, she thinks its hilarious. She says she is hungry , and so am I , so we begin to dangle you in our mouth, chew you, play with your tiny man body in our mouths. Mmm you taste sooo good!! We eat you and swallow you all up!! We show you out mouth and Say "AHHHH" sticking our tongues out wide to show that you are all gone. Mmm I tell Ivy I plan to shrink lots more men so that we can eat them together! Tags - JOJO LAVAN , SSBBW , ivydavenport , ivy davenport , bbw , curvy , chubby , double chin , eating you, shrinking , giants , giantess , tongue fetish , tongue , mouth , mouth fetish , fetish , kink , kinky , vore , uvula
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