You're participating in a new vaccine study, and I'm here to gather some data so we can see how the second vaccine affects different populations. I'm asking you about your sexual history and you are too embarrassed to admit to me, your doctor, that you're a virgin! I'm asking when the last time you had sex was, how often you have sex each month, how many sexual partners you've had, and you are flustered, in a panic, especially as you think I can tell you're lying. I REALLY need accurate data for these vaccine trials, so, I decide to do a little test. I slip on a 'sexy nurse costume' I got as a gag gift from my colleagues, and see how you respond...if you're not a virgin then this will be no big deal, right? You won't instantly get hard, you probably fuck girls like this all the time. If you ARE a virgin, like I believe, then you should probably just admit'll be humiliating, but at least that way I might give you a pity JOI and let you have the closest thing you've ever encountered to sex...
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