You are my soon to be landlord showing me one of your apartments that you have listed. I inform you that the apartment is absolutely perfect and I am ready to sign the lease paperwork. You inform me that before I can sign the paperwork I need to write a check for the initial deposit. I suddenly realize that I forgot my checkbook amidst all the excitement thinking about the apartment. I begin to apologize profusely and ask you if I can run home and grab my checkbook. You agree and I return about 30 minutes later. You instantly notice that I have changed my outfit and I tell you I did because I have a date later. I begin writing the deposit check and instantly notice how nervous and uneasy you suddenly seem. I point it out to you as I begin stroking my legs and giving you a very seductive look. I inform you that I can tell you are under my seductive spell. I ask you if you'd like to work to a little deal that's going to be a win-win for the both of us. You nod your head and I tell you to get your cock out and stroke it to me. It's exactly what you want to do. This video was shot with a professional mirrorless DSLR, lens and microphone in HD 1080p 60fps
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