Custom video - Some viewers may be uncomfortable with the material in this video. Mean mom put alot of effort into getting you here tonight, mom doesn't appreciate building up a sweat just so I could get you here all to my self. Mom doesn't care if you want this or not, you won't say no to your mom will you, good boy? Don't worry mom made sure your dick will stay rock hard all night. You will do as mom wants, you will! She is going to lick you, fuck you, tease you, put you in your place, cream over your dick.... With no release for you, until mommy says it time.... Mom wants you to impregnate her, you will be mine forever. When mommy is finished with you, when she has drained every last drop of cum from your balls she no longer needs her next date... Your bully, she teases you with teasing talk of what's to come..... x. - x. - x. -
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