Honey, I heard that you want to become MUSLIM because you heard that their wives are obedient and NEVER ARGUE with their men. Well, I have to disappoint you there are a GANG of women, who will be after you if you FAIL - mothers, gran mothers, sisters, daughters and more to be MENTIONED. LIFE is not that easy for a MUSLIM MAN when he wants to CHEAT. He is already on the HIGH CHEATING RISK ALARM even prior of thinking to CHEAT. Their women are pretty JEALOUS and their men give them all REASONS for that. Hahaha ... always PROMOTING their DICKS ONLINE. Anyways, you are here after my HOT YOUNG BODY. You wanna TASTE it so bad. But your WIFE will never allow you a 2nd wife. And you perfectly know it. Esp. when she finds out how much MONEY you spent on my ASS. You will be FINISHED by her without even being able to EXPLAIN anything. She will be your EXECUTRIX. I hope until that time you will manage to TRANSFER all your savings, investments and property to my name. Let's FUCK that BITCH one more time. She doesn't deserve your money for being so UGLY and LAZY to CATER to her man. No, you don't have to LOVE her the way she is. It's not good for your SEXUAL POTENCY!!! If after WATCHING this video you still didn't find enough COURAGE to DIVORCED your wife - you can get this video for CHEAP LOSER PRICE https://www.manyvids.com/Video/2897231/CHEAT-YOUR-WIFE-WITH-ME-LOSER-PRICE/ (9.99 + VAT). ***If you want me to CONTINUE making new videos - TIP me 1000$ or MORE. Otherwise I won't be posting any NEW VIDEOS. You always can ORDER a CUSTOM VIDEO though.
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