Those memories are always going to follow you, no matter how hard you try to forget them. Haha big step-sis is going to be right there reminding you of how bad I bullied you. The morning wedgie to start your day, the swirlie that followed. The atomic wedgie and purple nurples HAHAAHAH everyday it was the same thing. No escaping big bully step-sis. CUSTOM CLIP: For this custom i am your younger brother and you are my older sister,instead of having an older brother who would torment me around the house i have you and you do the exact things an older brother would do as torment anyway.The mornings would start with planting your ass in my face while i was still in bed yelling "Fart Face" out loud and letting one rip right on my face.Next you would move on to "Swirlies" as i was in the bathroom getting ready to start the day you would "Swirly" my ass.Then "Noon Time" was "Wedgie Time" where you would always "Surprise" me with one of your "Painful Atomic Wedgies",you stand up and demonstrate a "Wedgie" on yourself to reaffirm this,Mother never tried to stop the "Atomic Wedgies" because she knew if she tried you would also give her an "Atomic Wedgie" of her own and pull her panties over her head,she knew better.You would then end the day by giving me "Painful Purple Nurples" twisting my nipples until i thought they would fall off.
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