Clients Request: "I just accepted a job in town and moved to the area. To celebrate, some coworkers took me to the local night club. One of them brings you along and you're wearing the dress, heels, and necklace I bought you. You introduce yourself and tell me you think it's cool I would move so far away from home. We go to dance and you catch me looking at your cleavage. You start teasing me about your fake tits as you dance. At about the 3 minute mark we stop at the bar and get some water. We spend about 2 minutes there while you sip a little and move your chest side to side and adjust your tits inside the dress. You tell me I must feel so lucky meeting the perfect bimbo on my first night out on the town. You catch me staring again and while smirking at me, pour a little water on your chest while saying oops and giggling. You say it looks like you need to clean up a little and that I better help. In the bathroom, again while smirking at me and giggling you drop the dress over your head and reveal your tits. You tease me as you dry yourself off for a while. At about the 7 minute mark you tell me we should go someplace a little quieter. Back in your bedroom you tell me you figured out I was your fan who bought you those clothes. Dom who can't stop looking at my fake tits? Who else could it be? You show off the dress and heels and talk about how perfect the outfit is for a bimbo. You start playing with your breasts and give me a good show. You only ever pull the top down over your head and never take it all the way off. You tease me and talk about how much better fake tit bimbos are and how much happier I will be here. At minute 10 you tell me tonight you're going to give me the best bimbo welcome you can give. For the last 4 minutes you give me a POV blow and tit job on the fake cumming dildo. You make me cum on your face."
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