I have 6 sexy dresses to try on, each with a sexy striptease and teasing while I wear dresses.! This first one is a cute strappy red dress with white polka dots. The second is a black dress with star and moon designs, low cut so it shows off tits. Rather tight fitting too. The third one is a lavender dress with a lot of colorful butterflies. The fourth one is a cute strawberry one, so lots of pink and red. The 5th one is sort of hippy vibes with suns and a colorful pattern. Before you can get to the sexiest dress, I cut it to how this dress is suppose to be put on, since I did it wrong. You can see there will still be a lot of boob to be had. Then the last and sixth dress. Red and black dragon dress, which I look super sexy in. I hope you enjoy the sundress haul, which these are my first sun dresses ever!!
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