You are not a real man, you are a BETA. Therefore you do not get to fuck pussy-you fuck your hand. You get the sex life you are given and you will NEVER cum again. Betas are at the bottom of the sexual pecking order. So if you want to experience some kind of sex life, some kind of pleasure, you must GOON. keep edging and edging until you feel the bliss that can come. THIS is the closest thing you get to orgasm. accept the sex life you have been given. It is the only one you get. You will never get pussy again-if you ever even did in the first place. You are no longer part of the gene pool, beta. You masturbate for me, it is my way of slowly exterminating you. Now pump it for me up and down. Do you FEEL it yet, beta? The BLISS? Audio for betas to edge to all night long. Play this audio on loop/repeat mode for a never-ending experience (it is edited JUST for loop modes). I get you pumping that beta cocklet so I can easily get in your head. Multiple voice layers deeply reprogram you with whispers that just barely hit the subconscious. The carefully selected soundtrack helps establish a good stroke rhythm. It also keeps it feeling erotic all while putting a metronome effect right into your edging. This lets me get DEEP inside you/ The humiliating things I say just end up making you harder than ever. TLDR: betas must goon. buy this audio and play it on loop mode. get reprogrammed. NOTE: This is only an audio file. In order to upload it here on MV it must be a videofile of some kind. I attached its cover art in order to post it as "video.". The only image you will see is the cover art. This is because it is only supposed to be an audio. TY for understanding, MV fans!
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