Milo Belove is in possibly one of the most frightening situations that a 20 year old on their own in the world can experience. He’s about to become homeless. He has just a week to pack his things and leave his apartment. With no reliable friends or family to run to, no job, and no vehicle, he has to come up with a plan, and fast. So, he creates a profile on a reliable adult dating site. He creates an alias and a new motto. He purchases clothes and items with some of the money he has left. His goal, to have a clean place to live and food to eat. His means, to provide service for the person that will house him, in lieu of payment. A new month, a new home, a new person. What experiences will Milo have? What kind of people will he meet? And what will they do to his soft, slender body~? All his life his motto has been “people are trash and the city is a dump”. His new motto will be: “I will meet your every need. I will satisfy your every desire. I will ease your troubles. I will assuage your pain. I will revitalize your strength. I will lighten your load. You do not know me, but you will know every part of me you desire to. Do not think of me as a person, but as a useful object you may attach any meaning to. I will be your friend, your lover, your slave, your pet, your toy. I will keep your abode clean, and guard it while you are away. I will obey every rule that is within reason. From the First of the month to the Last, I will obey your every command.”
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