I am so glad that you found our Ad on craigslist for this new Covid Vaccine! I know that a thousand dollars is a... little bit for a vaccine, but we're talking here about your life! This vaccine is way better than the other ones... That's why is more expensive!... You only need one shot, you won't get sick... and just admit it, you won't find nurses like me on any other clinic! You're in good hands! (I start to put my black latex gloves and show you the big needle with some weird blue liquid inside, administrate you the vaccine and you start to feel tired and weak, until you fall a.s.l.eep with me laughing, to later wake up all tied up on my dungeon room). What were you thinking when you were searching on the deep web? Did you really thought that you would find the cure for covid on the internet like that? hahah That wasn't a vaccine as you can imagine! That was a tranquilizer to put you to s.leep so I could bring you down here and tie you all up! The real reason behind all this is to jerk you off! haha What a like bitch you are... having a real sexy nurse jerking you off! I need your sperm... You see, there's a lot of women out there trying to get pregnant that they don't want to wait 2 to 5 years for someone's sperm! Remember when you were doing your application? All those health questions? Yeah I needed healthy sperm so I can sell it for a fortune on the deep web hahah Imagine how much money I am going to do with you lol you already paid a thousand dollars and I can probably get around 20 thousand dollars selling your sperm! haha What you gonna do? You want to go to a police station and file a complaint that a really sexy nurse jerk you off?! haha everybody is going to make fun of you! You're going to be my slut bitch for the rest of your life haha in fact you're going to start calling Miss Katherine! Katherine De Vil
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