Late one night you find me doing my daily routine, sitting on my fat ass stuffing my face with fatty foods. I mindlessly eat, pilling thousands of calories into my body, oblivious to you. It's almost as if I'm just a dumb fat eating machine. Tonight's a little different though, this fatty is watching the Olympics. Of course, I can't help but like at how thin and tight the athlete's bodies are compared to my overfed fat body. With each bite, I fill myself with more carbs. More pizza and breadsticks, I'm just a mindless pit for food. At points I graze my belly and jiggle it a little, only to stuff my face with more food. Being skinny is overrated, why be in peak physical condition when you could sit on your fat ass and eat all day. Surely if the stuffing was an Olympic sport I'd win! You can hear the commentators in the back talk about how fast the athletes are, but all I seem to be is a fast eating piggy. My belly overtakes my lap, spilling far out. It hangs heavy over my underwear. It takes center stage, and wins gold as the biggest part of my body. At some points, I look directly at the camera, almost as if I'm there, yet I still continue to mindlessly eat. At other points, you can see my belly graze the couch. All this eating is catching up to me quickly! **** Clip features: eating/stuffing, belly play
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