CUSTOM ORDER Feat. Dacey Harlot Dacey Principal Fade in on Dacey dressed in formal attire, wearing glasses with her hair up. She is seated behind a desk with papers on it. A wooden paddle lies in view on the desk, or hanging on the wall behind. “Have a seat. I have to say, I did not expect to see you in my office. You’re a good student, and you’ve never been here before.” *examines punishment slip* “Disrupting class? I’m surprised at you. That’s a serious offense.” *puts slip down and sighs* “I am a very busy woman and I do not like having to take time out of my day to discipline students. Frankly, it's the part of my job I like the least, but for certain offenses I do find it necessary. As you may know, I have a lot of leeway in determining punishments. For students who disrupt class, my choices are: let you off with a warning, send you to in school suspension, or give you swats. Now, you could argue that since this is your first offense, I should be lenient.” *glances down at punishment slip* “I’m not going to be lenient. I’ve found that the best way to prevent students from returning to my office is to administer the most severe punishment right from the start. Disrupting class calls for 6 swats with the paddle. Stand up.” *you also stand, and take hold of the paddle. You motion toward the desk with your paddle* “Come here, bend over, and put your elbows on the desk. Make sure there is nothing in your back pockets.” *pause* *camera comes across the desk, facing the wall. You walk out of frame, preparing to begin the paddling* “I am very disappointed, I really expected better. Especially from you. Now, during your punishment, I want you to think about your behavior today. And about how you’re not going to behave that way again. Do I make myself clear?" *pause* "All right. Stay still and don’t move.” *pause, then swat* *pause, then swat* *pause, then swat* “No, keep your feet down. Stay in position.” *pause, then swat* “That is 4 swats, you have 2 to go. But I have also found it helpful to give misbehaving students a preview of what is in store for them, should they find themselves in my office again. In your case, disrupting class a second time means 6 swats on the bare. So. You are going to receive your last 2 swats on the bare, as an added incentive not to misbehave again. Take your pants and underwear down, and bend back over the desk.” *pause to allow pants to be lowered* "You might want to hold onto the edge of the desk. These are going to hurt." *pause, then two swats in rapid succession* *step back into frame, place your paddle on the desk, and sit down. Sign your name to the punishment slip* “You may pull your pants back up and get yourself together. I trust that you have learned your lesson and won't disrupt class in the future? Good. I do not want to see you back in my office again. I really don’t like having to paddle my students. Now try to compose yourself, take this slip and get back to class.”
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