You know how much I love trying my own breastmilk...well I had an idea. I wanted to try my own milk in oatmeal. I love eating oatmeal for breakfast as it increases my milk supply and I usually put honey in it. Well my milk is so rich, creamy, and naturally sweet, I figured it would make the perfect oatmeal. I begin my hand expressing some milk into a glass until I get my pump to make some quicker work of it. After a about 4 and a half minutes of pumping and chatting about it, I have enough for a bowl of oatmeal. I warm it up in the microwave super quick and then come back and pour it into my oatmeal. Stirring it up, I anticipate how good it will taste. Once the first bite is in my mouth, I moan in delight at how yummy it is! This was such a great idea, I will have to do this again! Hand expression and breast pumping.
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