You are such a good boi. You took a vow of mental chastity thinking it would be a walk in the park. And then all of a sudden you realised just how much sex there is in this world? Awww, such a pity... Well, temptation makes the man... And today I am making sure that you will have bucketloads of temptation to make you stronger. You should be grateful for all I am giving you chastity boi! After all what kind of slave would you be if you fell at the first hurdle? So watch my gorgeous legs as they are encased in this pantyhose. Imagine my silky curves as you see my arse wriggle around in front of you. Imagine my taste as my fingers dip in and out of my moist gash and lick my fingers in front of you. Embrace the ability to deny yourself, to tell yourself no even when all of your body is pulsing for release. Thank me for giving you the opportunity to remain in chastity for me. Mentally locked away. Until I feel you are ready for release...
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