Jacquelyn Velvets returns to her next therapy session wearing the form fitting, comfortable clothes that Scott suggested. She is nervous about facing her fears but he reiterates that she is in a safe place. When he pulls out duct tape, she reminds him that the robber used tight rope, and he promises to bring some for the next session. He orders her to put her hands in front and tapes them together but apologizes for not having a bandana as a gag. His tie will have suffice as a cleave gag. When Jacquelyn asks if they can skip the gagging, he reminds her that they are trying to help her heal from her traumatic event. This predicament takes her back to the holdup and she mmpphs and pleads as he binds her feet. Scott encourages her to release her feelings as she struggles. Looks like she is making progress! OTHER KEYWORDS- gagged woman, cleave gag Jacquelyn Velvets, Jacqueline Velvets, Scott Torvea, DID, blonde, blond, long hair, therapy, therapist
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