I’m having a walk in the woods :) I’m wearing a black and white vest top, a turquoise coloured skirt, on my cute little feet I have on my pink Pop Tart socks and black Adidas sneakers, and underneath my skirt is a gorgeous ABU Barebum. As I walk along a leafy path through the trees, I pull the top of my skirt down in order to expose the upper part of my ABU Barebum. I love flashing it in the open like this, and I’m getting super excited because my bladder is full and I know that I can’t hold on much longer ;) After I’ve walked a little further, I squat down on the path and with my ABU Barebum completely exposed, I open up the floodgates! A warm stream pours into my ABU Barebum, and you can actually see the wet stain spreading inside and growing larger :D My plastic is getting heavier too, and I get such a thrill from knowing that someone might come along and catch me at any moment ;) When I’m finished, I stand top and start walking again, only now I’m so much squelchy and soggy…which you all know is just how I like it :D
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