This morning, my skin felt PARCHED. Like, the kind of dryness where I felt like my skin was about to develop a consciousness and yell “moisturize me!!” until I addressed it. Only problem? I had already gotten dressed for the day! What to do, what to do… Well, I did what any logical human being would do and stripped down in order to get the best body oil session possible. I know that it’s important to be thorough so removing my clothes was the only option! You really have to get to those SPECIAL spots. I do love how the body oil makes my skin glow and shine— the way the sun hits the oil as I dribble more down my chest is such a delight. I feel like I’m adding syrup on a pancake. By the end of the session I feel like 40% body oil and 60% hot and bothered. What to do, what to do… Hope you enjoy
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