Hey there! Do you mind if I sit with you? I know you’re probably wondering why I, the prettiest and most popular girl in the school, would want to sit with you but I’ve kinda always been fascinated by you, hence why I thought I’d sit and have lunch with you. Except I seem to have forgotten my lunch at home! Fortunately (for me), I’ve seen what you have for lunch and know just how to wrap you around my little finger and convince you to let me eat your food instead. I pick my way through your lunch, one item at a time, whilst humiliating you for being overweight and unhealthy. All you can do is sit and watch me take everything you have, after all, you’re just happy to be near me! Once I’m done with your food, I look at you and notice how you resemble a little piggy. And you know what pigs love to do, don’t you? They love to eat garbage out of troughs. In fact, that’s exactly what I want you to do. You needn’t go hungry when we have a dustbin full of all the other student’s unwanted food. So, stick your head in for me, there’s a good little piggy. Well, this has been so much fun, I think I’ll make this a regular thing and you can be my pet little piggy (Custom clip no names used).
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