Grace will be tied to chair we're she can't move at all with her mouth tape shut. Akira will walk in the room and start pinching her nose with her fingers. Akira announces that they are going to play the nose pinching breathplay game- and since she hasn't play this game in a long time she feels sorry for Grace's cute nose. Akira will pinch her nose with her fingers for and then say she has a surprise for poor Grace's nose... whipping out the forceps and hearing Grace moan, Akira pinches down shut tight on Grace's cute little nose. Akira switches to the nose clip- cutting off all chances and hopes of breathing with her mouth taped shut as well. Upon Grace passing with her eyes rolling into the back of her head, Akira takes the clip off and pinches her nose while she is out cold before walking out of the room to leave her breathless victim.
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