Thats right take a good look at my bikini body, something a Loser like you will never touch..With some teasing and taunting as i strip from my little bikini and make your pathetic cock ache for weak desires youll never have i also make you pay before we play. Now it's time to put you the inferior little white boy pig in his place. Beneath bigger, better, smarter strong black men. This power house alpha couple are going to tease, taunt, kick, and humiliate you and to top it off really ma what kes this humiliating is how your going to pay for it. How we are going to drain your wallet as we kick your balls into submission. With every view, every humiliating blow, you harden and ache for more and beg for a humiliating degrading drain, until we leave you soaked in your own humiliating juices, broke, and broken.......
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