This should be deeply embedded into your head, my wants are forever increasing and you are here to assure that they are met. As you stare into my cleavage you feel that desire to pay. To spend any cash you can get your hands on shall be spent on me. You will go without to ensure my high standards are met. You shall lose yourself deep within debt to spend on me. To drain yourself mentally, physically and financially for me is the only way of life for you. Every part of you should be devoted to your superior. I make you weak and you long for my attention a hugely dangerous combination. I spend faster and want more and you have to push yourself to keep up. You will work more, rest less, eat less and spend more on me. This is all started when you begged to pay me, you ached for my attention and look where you are now. Wrapped around my little finger, a broken, weak loser who spends all he's time working and spending on me. How does that feel? Does it make you want to spend more?
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