Your coworkers come over to your house for a quick pre-meeting but it's such bad timing; you are DIAPERED under your clothes. Hopefully they don't notice. You're discussing work things when they keep hearing the crinkles every time you move. "is that noise coming from you?" they wonder what could be making it but Sablique just blurts out "maybe it's a diaper?" They giggle about it. Suddenly Sablique Von Lux reaches over and grabs your crotch! She gets a handful of plastic crinkles! They burst out laughing and have so many questions for you... like why?? Indica Jane finds your diaper bag hidden under the table and they pull out another DIAPER & magic wand! They make you take off your pants and use the wand on the front of your pissy wet diaper. They keep using it on you until you cum in your diaper. They laugh and give you a diaper change right there on the floor, kinda matter of factly and with humor. They realize you ran out of diapers and prepare to go to the store to get you more diapers for later! They have so much fun with this, not mean but in lighthearted, humorous way.
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